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AI is everywhere. From your virtual assistant to the recommendations your streaming service gives you, a lot of things that had already been assimilated by our everyday life are done through artificial intelligence. AI generated art, though, has become accessible for a broader public more recently.

The results can be impressive. All the images that illustrate this page, for example, were generated by text prompts in a matter of seconds on various platforms, such as Dall-E 2 and Deep Dream Generator.

AI is everywhere. From your virtual assistant to the recommendations your streaming service gives you, a lot of things that had already been assimilated by our everyday life are done through artificial intelligence. AI generated art, though, has become accessible for a broader public more recently.

The results can be impressive. All the images that illustrate this page, for example, were generated by text prompts in a matter of seconds on various platforms, such as Dall-E 2 and Deep Dream Generator.


Impressive as the technology may be, AI generated art are causing controversy in many respects. There are people who dispute the product of an artificial intelligence can even be called art (even though a piece of AI art has been sold at Sotheby’s for more than $400,000 a few years ago).

Another important ethical question concerns copyright. The AI is trained with existing copyrighted images and can sample them to generate their output. Important players like Getty Images already banned AI-Generated images from its database due to legal concerns and many people believe that it will take new legislation to finally set the question.


Here are some tools you can use to start experimenting with AI-Generated art.

DALL-E 2: [visit]
Deep Dream Generator: [visit]
RunwayML: [visit]